Friday, April 5, 2013

Dog Park, Russia-Style REDUX!

So Siena and I went back to the infamous scary dog park for a 2nd round and...woohoo! We had the place to ourselves!

Perhaps it was because the temperature had risen enough to make the place a big soupy mess, but we didn't care! Wet, slushy snow....bring it! My girl loves to run, and wet snow makes it all the more invigorating!

Even M the Driver got in on the action and threw the ball a few times for Ms. S in between smokes (below).

The only thing that would have made this outing better would have been if that cute, white, fluffy dog friend from our first trip had shown up to hang out and play too. His owner probably wised up about the melting snow and took a pass. But Siena loved it just the same and I was happy for her.

Sopping wet, happy girl.

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