Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm an idiot

Boy do I feel stupid. And annoyed.

The moms in my Monday play group made a reservation for a private group at Gymboree yesterday morning. I tried to go and failed.

Backing up for a sec, it's kind of amazing they actually have Gymboree here, and supposedly it's pretty similar to the Gymboree in the US, i.e. classes, climbing structures and playtime. I personally didn't even know that Gymboree had stuff for children < 1 year old, so I was pretty excited and looking forward to it. 

Lobby of Dinamo Gymboree

Play area at Gymboree Dinamo

First, and this is not really that bad but stressful nonetheless, our driver was late. The car was parked by the apartment but the man was no where to be found. Eventually he showed up but we left 30 minutes later than I had planned (and to be totally honest, I was responsible for 10 of those minutes). It is still tough for me to get used to adding travel & driver time into my plans. The idea of a Driver sounds so glamorous, but it also removes some of your independence and requires constant coordination. 

Anyway, the private group session was only 45 min, and we actually made it in record time, arriving only 15 min late. The car was nice and warm so naturally Beau fell asleep...and stayed asleep in his car seat even after we plopped him down in the Gymboree lobby.

Sleeping angel.

After taking off my shoes and hanging up my coat and beginning to wonder if the baby would just sleep through the whole class, I learned that I'd gone to the wrong location!! What?? Yup, big fat FAIL by mommy!

I basically read the email too fast and blew it. Ugh, ugh, ugh!! This could have happened anywhere but of course it happened in Moscow where I already have very little tolerance for things going wrong. And where I already feel limited and just stupid much of the time. And where it is such a deal to get out the door with the baby and all the winter gear during that one little window when he isn't eating or napping.

Anyway. Beau woke up soon after -- it had been his usual 30 minutes -- but it was too late to try and go to the correct location. The next class at the "wrong" Gymboree was for babies 10 months and older so that wasn't an option either. So I put my shoes and coat back on, we got back in the car and went home. Hmph. 

Today's Score
CB: 0
Moscow: 10,003

Cute shot of all the winter boots, big, small and colorful, all lined up in the Gymboree lobby.

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