Friday, April 25, 2014

New Metro Observations

Went to Metro again and because I'm getting to be slightly more comfortable shopping there, I noticed a few new things!

1) Sooo much sour cream! This is actually next to the infamous wall of mayonnaise and it's a wall of sour cream!

2) Tons of unidentifiable fresh fish. Just sitting out, for anyone to help themselves:

3) Whatever the orange stuff is that's in the back and to the right, it's not cheap (~$55/kg!):

4) Some long slimy looking things. Maybe some big eel? They're all from Russia is really all I can read on the little signs:

5) Live sharks, crayfish, and others, all in large tanks:

6) There's also a ton of different types of SALMON:

7) And we must not forget the caviar. The pricey stuff is in the locked fridge 
-within-the-fridge on the far right:

Just all stuff I hadn't really noticed before - probably because I don't use a lot of sour cream nor do I feel comfortable buying fish here. :) I must remember to take some photos of my "usual" grocery store for comparison.

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