Monday, March 11, 2013

Swimming upstream

Flashback post from October 2011:

This is an excerpt from an email that I sent to Scott's parents.

Scott is working and I am by myself for a while. It's rainy, grey and cold here now. Very depressing weather and I don't even live here yet!

As I mentioned, today Scott went to work so I tried to use my little coffee maker but was unsuccessful. It wasn't getting consistent power with the converter and so I guess the pump couldn't properly push water thru the filter. There was a ton of steam coming out from the area where the filter / grinds were but no water going thru and it made a lot of noise that didn't sound right.

Luckily there is a free standing plugin hotpot to boil water and one of those French press coffee makers so I was able to make a small, strong cup of coffee. It was frustrating though, and a bit messy, all for a tiny cup of coffee!

Then I tried to get on Scott's computer (he was touring stores today and didn't need it) and that didn't work either. I'd been able to successfully set up the wireless router yesterday (hooray!) but it stopped working after Scott left this morning (oh no!) and after many attempts, I couldn't get either the wireless OR wired connection to work after that. Tried restarting everything and went back to the wired connection even, but still no dice. Again, very frustrating.

Then I showered (well, I took a bath actually, because the shower is not very large or convenient for moving one's arms very much) and washed my hair with the intention of blow drying it straight, since Scott was at work and I had lots of time. No dice there either!! The moment I turned on my hairdryer (using a converter of course), I blew a fuse and all the lights in BOTH bathrooms went out! Crazy. So I didn't do my hair (and didn't have the appropriate product for wearing it curly) but now I'm sitting in a cafe using the free wifi on my phone with slightly frizzy/damp hair. Thank god the wifi in the cafe is working. I have no idea how we will reset those fuses, but I'm leaving it up to Scott. Too exhausted to deal with anything else right now and all I did was wake up, try to make coffee, use the Internet and blow dry my hair! If it weren't happening to ME I'd probably think it was funny. :-P 

PS The one additional issue I didn't mention in this email was that I somehow got locked IN to the apartment. Scott had left in the morning and locked the door from the outside like he normally does, and apparently that requires using the keys to UNLOCK on the inside as well (vs turning the locks like a normal door)! I ended up throwing the keys out the window (9 flights down) to Scott's driver, he came up to unlock from the outside and then showed me what was going on. Mortifying!!

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