Friday, March 29, 2013

Saran Wrap take two

As mentioned in my previous post, I was on a plastic wrap mission. The best part is that I don't even really have all that much that needs to be wrapped...I just feel like a functional kitchen needs to have it, like salt and pepper or paper napkins.

I asked around and the consensus was that Russia's version of plastic wrap isn't very good but if I must buy it here (most women suggested bringing it back with me from the US) that the big department store Stockmann's would have it.

Sure enough, I went to the aisle with all the paper supplies etc and carefully, very carefully studied all the packaging again.

And wouldn't you know it, they had that darn cellophane (yellow box) mixed in with everything else again! I just don't get it. Put that stuff with the gift wrap, will you?!?

Anyway, once again after looking a while, I found one whose box had a little medal cutting edge with teeth and figured this HAD to be what I wanted.

And.....BINGO! I got it!

Got it right this time!!

Such a small victory, but very satisfying. :)

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