Monday, March 24, 2014

Musings about Moscow #2

This post is mostly about KFC Russia, since that's what brought us here in the first place. Not to mention, I've now EATEN MORE FRIED CHICKEN in the past 2+ years than the last 20! :-) But I've also included a few 'Moscow musings' too.

Cool digital menu boards at the "Sophia" KFC location.

1. Beer -- they sell beer at KFC! Scott tells me that Russia and Nigeria are the only two countries in the entire world that sell beer.

2. Coffee (general musing) -- everyone, including KFC, sells espresso drinks (cappuccinos, espressos, mochas and lattes). Interestingly, the coffee shops here (Starbucks included) don't sell regular 'drip' coffee, only the espresso-based stuff.

3. Women (general musing and KFC) -- Moscow has many more women than men, everywhere! Old and young, working class and upper class, just more ladies, LIVING LIFE. Literally there is a dearth of men because of WWII and alcoholism. The lifespan for Russian men is 55. The women who eat at KFC? Most of them look quite professional and well-groomed (at least this is what I've observed at the "my" KFC which is in the city center). Fascinating!

Two professional women drinking espresso drinks and eating KFC, thus supporting a couple of my points.

4. No-Paper-Allowed Public toilets (general musing) -- yes, that's right. There are toilets where you're not supposed to flush any paper; instead, there's a trash can to the side that contains wads of USED toilet paper from prior patrons. Probably because of bad plumbing, but omg, soooo gross….

Disgusting public toilet with trash can for paper disposal.

5. Sides/Desserts -- KFC sides are much more limited in Russia. There's coleslaw (of course: cabbage and mayo, perfect for the Russian palate!), fries, corn, and Caesar and regular salads. No biscuits(!!!!), no mashed potatoes/gravy, no green beans, no Mac n Cheese. On the other hand, they do have ice cream sundaes, soft serve, belgian waffles and I think blintzes on the menu. Russians L-O-V-E love their sweets.

Soft serve cone and regular fries instead of 'wedges.' 

6. Police presence and loitering (general musing) -- there are a lot more police around town on the street and in police cars. Just a few weeks ago were driving to Beau's swim class on a Saturday morning and we were stopped by the police for literally no reason at all. Gulp. Our driver, R, just said it was "normal" and didn't think twice when we pulled over. Nothing ended up happening; R showed his license to the officer and quietly had a few words with him and then we got back on the road. Seems like they want to remind people of who exactly is "in charge." And as for loitering, theres a lot of that too. In our courtyard, there are always at least 3 big, burly men standing around chain-smoking and…waiting. No idea what they're waiting for - but their presence is intimidating and a little disconcerting when you first walk outside.

Oh, and Siena thinks the guys in the courtyard are waiting to play with her when we go outside. Every. Single. Time. Sweet girl, I love her so much.

7. Chicken at KFC -- all fried. Period. No grilled, no roasted. Just fried, fried, fried, on-the-bone, strips (like chicken tenders but better), bites (like popcorn chicken but better), many iterations of sandwiches, fried, fried, fried.

"Bah-eetz" and a "Tveester" wrap.

8. Food volume consumed at KFC -- there seem to be two kinds of customers at KFC Russia, the snackers and the big volume eaters. The women (and teens) are the snackers. Then there's the guys who get like 2 big sandwiches, a large fries, AND 2 twister wraps. Oh and probably an ice cream, which they eat first because it will melt if they put it down or leave it till the end. KFC is clearly much more affordable vs all the other options around town so the big guys take advantage of that.

Big guy having lunch. You can't see it here, but he had a pint of BEER  behind that box of wings.

9. Time spent at restaurants (especially KFC) -- people spend HOURS hanging out at KFC! It's a business meeting spot, a date-night restaurant, a lunch place and a cafe all in one. People just set up shop - free wifi!! - and hang out for a long time. Friday nights, it's like a nightclub! 

10. No recycling (general musing) -- so sad. Despite being way ahead of the game with the "bring your own bag" concept, Moscow doesn't seem to have a public recycling program. Actually, it's even hard to find a regular old trash can on the street, so I think everyone just hangs on to their trash til they get home.

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