Monday, March 31, 2014

The Russian Lessons Continue

The pace of my baby/pigeon Russian lessons has slowed because we've pretty much got the basics covered (i.e. bottle, milk, sleep, awake, feed, what time, finish, how many...). However, here and there I still get a few new words in.

I find that my brain still does not retain much and I still feel so frustrated at not being able to have detailed conversations with the nanny. Or with anyone for that matter. Once again, reminded of how lucky I am that the nanny is SO patient with me, because we really do end up "saying" quite a bit to each other each week.

January 11
  • turtle -- черепаха ("cheddy-PA-ha"); I love this one. :)
a picture is worth a thousand words

  • dancing -- танцы ("tahn-tzay"); to explain what I do at my weekly Zumba classes

February 28

  • bib -- фартук ("FAR-took"); this apparently really means "apron," but R always calls the bib a fartook so...fartook it is! This is another one of my favorites. :)

fartook :)

March 6 - this turned out to be the day of body parts!

  • ear/ears -- ухо / ушки ("OOSHay"/ "OOSHkey")

  • nose -- нос ("nauss"); wow, how easy-peasy!

  • cheek/cheeks -- щека / щеки ("SHAYka" / "shaykey")

March 19

  • slippery -- скользкий ("skolskey"); it snowed (late MARCH!) so the sidewalks were slippery. And we tried to talk about it.

  • to cry -- плакать ("plakat")

  • he cried -- он плакал ("ohn plakal")

Can't believe it took this long for us to need the word for "cry."

March 27

  • take a walk -- погулять ("pagoo-LAI-yet"); for my Siena.

  • feel happy -- хорошее настроение ("haROshay nastraiYEN-eh"); when I put this into Google Translate it came back with "good mood" so that was interesting.

  • holiday -- праздник ("prads-zNEEK") or выходной день ("veeHAUD-noy deeyen" which is actually "day off").

  • class/lesson -- урок ("oo-ROCK") or занятие ("zan-YAT-yee-eh")

March 28

  • refrigerator -- холодильник ("hollow-DEE-nick")

  • Monday -- понедельник ("pahn-ee-DEL-nick") strangely and confusingly similar to the word for fridge when a Russian-speaker says it.

  • week -- неделя ("neh-DEL-yah")

1 comment:

  1. Love two of these in particular--the fact that it took that long to have to talk about crying, and the fact that Monday and fridge are so close. Made me chuckle--thanks!!
