Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Family Bonanzas in NC and OR

In a remarkable feat of planning, Scott and I were able to attend not only his first cousin Daniel's Wedding in North Carolina (April 20, 2013), but ALSO my very special nephew and godson Sammy's Bar Mitzvah (April 27, 2013) the very next weekend in Oregon. 

There was actually a period when we thought these two events were on the same day (oh no, really?!!), but thankfully, it was a user-error (we had the dates wrong), so we got to celebrate both!! So great that it all worked out.

We had a fantastic time visiting with everyone - for many it was the first time they were seeing me pregnant and I'm already 27 weeks along (aka pretty darn big)! Anyway, what a great couple of weekends. After all the good company and good food and so much ENGLISH, the whole trip went WAY to fast and it has been really tough coming back to reality in Moscow.

Some photos from Daniel's rehearsal dinner:

And some photos from the ceremony/reception:

Some photos from Sammy's Friday night dinner:

hey, i know that guy!

 A few from the morning service:

 And finally, time to par-tay!

requisite cute slideshow :)

non-alcoholic blue raspberry concoction from the Italian soda bar - yummy!

really? these girls are 13?!

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