Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Good Times at the Dog Park Again

Another day, another good trip to the dog park.

Things started out on thin ice because there was a big, burly, rough-looking dog already inside when we arrived. I followed protocol and approached slowly, asking, "можно?" ("Possible?"). The owner was decent and gestured for me to give him 10 more minutes.

So we took a walk around the 'hood, which, as I've said before, is very nice. When we returned about 6 minutes later, they were leaving. And for the record, the dog had a muzzle on when he left. Yikes.

Then we had the place to ourselves!

So I threw the ball a few times and worked with Siena on some agility tricks - climbing stairs, balancing on a thin balance-beam-type structure - which she mastered without issue.

Fun!! Note that there's NOT a drop of snow on the ground anymore!
Then, just when I thought maybe it was time to go, someone else showed up! And both the owner and the dog were friendly! YAY!!

Typical Siena, saying hello to the Person first. :)
New friends racing around the park.
These new friends only stayed about 10 minutes, but luckily...ANOTHER dog arrived. This time it was the same big fluffy white dog with whom Siena has already played twice. DOUBLE YAY!

The two dogs had a lot of fun racing around and reconnecting (I think it'd been about 12 days since they've seen each other). The only photo I was able to capture was when Siena finally pooped out and lay down. :) Fluffy kept dancing around her, as if to say, "What, that's it?! Come on, we need to run some more; we were just getting started!"

The only slightly negative thing about this trip to the dog park was the discovery of a dead bird (seemed too big to be a pigeon) lying on the other side of the fence. Gross.

Of course Siena noticed it immediately and kept trying to squeeze her head through the bars to get a better whiff / taste of this delectable creature. Thank goodness it was on the OUTSIDE of the fence. But, with TWO dog friends in the park to distract her, it wasn't too bad. I just hope it's not still there the next time we go!

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