Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day in Moscow - it's kind of a big deal...

May 1 is Workers Day and the Russians take it very seriously. I think it is like our Labor Day but somehow bigger and more significant because there are still a lot of "workers" here. Or maybe it feels like a Big Deal because we're in such a dense city so pretty much everything feels more intense. Or maybe it's because it's May 1 and finally, finally, it feels like spring, so everyone is out celebrating the sunshine and warmer temps. Who knows.

All I know is that literally steps outside of our building this morning there were throngs of people everywhere with flags and balloons. Standing in the street and on the sidewalks, everywhere. From what I can gather, they were all waiting for a huge parade down Tverskaya Street (like Broadway in NYC only wider and even busier) which has been completely closed. Makes for a pretty impressive display of organized chaos.

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