Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pigeon Russian 101

Our good friends M and C left Moscow in July and we 'inherited' their very experienced Russian nanny/housekeeper, R. Makes things easy when you have a personal recommendation from people you trust!

The only issue is: R NO SPEAKA DA ENGLISH.

Really none. Even though she's worked for at least two other expat American families. I think she's just decided she's not going to spend time learning much more beyond a few basic words for housekeeping and nannying purposes (e.g. "washing machine"). Suffice it to say most of the day, she and I look like Marcel Marceau. I'm sure Siena gets a big kick out of it all. 

On the plus side, it's really upped MY game on learning some new Russian [baby-related] vocabulary. 

So here's a chronological breakdown of how our "lessons" have been so far. I feel like I'm two years old with this stuff. So frustrating. 

November 29 (this was a big day)
pacifier: соска -- "SAUS-kah." Also can mean nipple I just learned. 
pacifier (slang): пустышка -- "poo-STEESH-kah."
hands: рукы -- "rooh-key"
I go: я уеду -- "ya oo-YEH-due."

December 4
I'm finished: я закончил -- "ya za-KAN-cheel"

December 5
asleep: уснул -- "oosnohl"
awake: проснуться -- "prahs-NOOT-seeyah"

December 6 (another big day)
to warm/heat up: греть -- "grayht"
to smile: улыбаться -- "oo-leh-BY-yetza"
to laugh: смеяться -- "smay-YAH-tzeh"

December 11
burn (n): спирт -- "speert"
first aid: первая помощь -- "pyair-vie-yeh pamohsh"
[I burned my hand the other day with hot water, so nothing to do with the baby!]

December 12
to like: нравиться -- "nrah-VEET-see-yah"

It's just SO hard. Often we end up at the computer together with Google Translate as our interpreter. Thank goodness for the Internet!! 

And thank goodness R is pretty much THE most patient woman in the world. She just keeps saying what she needs or means a bunch of times and then waits as the wheels in my brain start slowly revving up into gear. Eventually we work it out...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, tough!! Sorry you got a burn though!!! The fact that she's so patient is really very nice, huh? I'm sure you let her know how much you appreciate that part of her personality. We've developed a habit of giving small token gifts to our nanny on a semi-regular basis not to mention lots of verbal thanks to be sure she knows we could not "do it without [her]". Everyone likes to be appreciated, especially when times are tough! :-)
