Thursday, January 16, 2014

Snowy walk

We got about 4 inches of snow today. Siena LOVES it and actually it's much easier to clean her up after a walk in the snow vs rain or even just normal dirty Moscow. 

The bad part is I don't feel comfortable walking with her AND Beau together in Moscow -- too slippery right now and even without the ice/snow, it's too hard to navigate the big curbs and rough sidewalks. 

Makes me sad if I think about it too much because in my mind, once I finally had my baby and my dog together, I'd pictured myself as this hip, urban mom, getting my exercise and fresh air through my daily dog+baby walks. I saw myself striding along in my yoga pants with the dog on one side and the baby all snug and tucked away in his stroller.

Never mind all that. It is really more  about survival and just making sure Siena doesn't go stir crazy. I should be grateful I have a babysitter so I can leave Beau with her and still take Siena out. Period, end of story. 

P.S. Here's what happens in Moscow when there's a little space between cars but not enough to fit a full car. Just park on the sidewalk!

1 comment:

  1. Hah!! For a little while, I walked two german shepherds with the double stroller... but then the girls got too big, and I got too afraid that I couldn't control the weight of the stroller AND two full grown GSDs. And now the girls don't want to do the things I want to do... so I don't get out at all. Bleh. I feel your pain.
