Monday, January 27, 2014

Oven Beef Burgundy Fail

Got a tasty-looking one-pot recipe from my mom over the holidays. I need dishes like this. Things that I can make in the afternoon or morning and forget about because by dinner-time things get hectic and more importantly, I start to get too hungry and too tired to begin thinking about making something. It's also nice to make these "pot" dishes because they usually yield enough for a couple meals.

Well, I left it in the oven for over 3 hours (after checking a few times and stirring "gently" as the recipe called for) and it came out so tough it was just no good. No good at all. Yuck. It was so bad, I didn't even finish, which is a big deal for me lately since I'm always hungry. I hate when this happens! I hate my Russian kitchen and I hate that I can't figure out how to buy/cook Russian meat! Actually I hate that I always have to cook, too!!

This package of meat was even from Metro so I thought it was good quality. It cooked for so long, wouldn't ANY meat get tender?! So disappointing, especially since it smelled pretty good while it was cooking. What a waste of time and energy!!!!

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